Why Do People Work at MBR Acres?

When Supporters visit Camp Beagle for the first time one common question which we are asked is ‘Why and how do people work there?’

There are a lot of possible answers to this question – some are correct, some are purely guess work and some are a combination of various factors.

We have often witnessed ‘new recruits’ entering the Gates of Hell on their first day; the first day they tend to be very low key and eager to make the right impression with their new employers – how quickly this changes….

Current Government Legislation on the running of a Dog Boarding Kennels states clearly that

‘Sufficient numbers of people who are competent for the purpose must be available to provide a level of care that ensures that the welfare needs of all the animals are met. Each member of staff should have 25 dogs or less to care for.’

So imagine the scenario of the Beagle Puppies on the MBR Acres site and using the Government Guidelines

 – 1,000 Beagle Puppies equates to 40 Staff being present on site

 – 1,500 Beagle Puppies equates to 60 Staff being present on site

 – 2,000 Beagle Puppies equates to 80 Staff being present on site

So how many Employees were present ‘looking’ after the puppies on Sunday 20th August 2023 for a 4 hours?

It comes as no surprise that the actual number of employees entering the MBR Acres site between 07.30am to 10.30am was ‘5’.

Whilst we fully appreciate that the poor beagles fall under different legislation for’ Animals in Scientific Procedures’ nonetheless what can 5 staff possibly do in 4 hours to look after the puppies?

Is it any wonder that MBR Acres recruitment can be best described as ‘Challenging?’

Over the years MBR Acres staffing levels have dramatically fallen from a ‘peak’ of  41 staff to 21 in December 2022.

So come up with your own conclusion as to the motives or calibre of staff employed by MBR Acres – we have pondered long and hard and each time we have come up witha different answer.

The Camp Beagle Team