MBR Acres Security – What’s the Point?

Pubs, clubs, nightclubs, supermarkets, to name but a few, have Security Staff to ensure that their premises are safe and their customers are safe.

Due to ‘rogue’ security staff being employed the Government introduced a regulation body, the SIA (Security Industry Association) to regulate the industry which, according to their Website ‘is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Home Office‘.

The SIA responsibilities include,

  • licensing people in the private security industry
  • approving private security companies who wish to be part of our Approved Contractor Scheme
  • conducting inspections
  • monitoring the activities of people operating within the private security industry and taking enforcement action where necessary
  • setting and approving standards of conduct and training for the private security industry
  • making recommendations on ways to improve standards in the private security industry

Wouldn’t you have thought that MBR Acres would insist that their security staff are SIA compliant?

Search the SIA website using the keywords such as MBR Acres and  Marshall Bioresources and see what comes up in the search…… Nothing!

Recruitment at MBR Acres has always been a ‘challenge’ to them‘ – even with financial incentives they have reduced their staffing numbers from 43 to 21 over the past few years.

The life of a MBR Security Staff is, probably, one of complete and utter boredom.

A typical working week for MBR Security would entail clocking on at 6.00am and clocking off at 6.00pm – 12 hours per day with some working a minimum of 5 days per week.

With the exception of looking at their high security CCTV monitors, occasionally escorting camp supporters when they ‘walk down the side of MBR Acres’ and opening the gates at 7.30am and at 4.00pm how do they fill their day?

A quick Job search on TotalJobs confirms that from the 10 jobs highlighted all require at least 3 year security experience together with a SIA licence.

So why it is wrong to assume that all of the Security staff at MBR Acres are NOT registered with SIA the lack of visable SIA logos, registered security numbers and not appearing on the SIA register would suggest otherwise.

Why would MBR Acres recruit the highest calibre of security staff where they have a taxpayer funded security staff on call 24/7, AKA CaMBRidgeshire Police?

The Camp Beagle Team

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