Camp Beagle – A Roller Coaster Day of Emotions

Being on the side of a B Road 24/7 365 days a year outside the Gates of MBR Acres isn’t easy at the best of times – Today turned out to be a Roller Coaster of emotions – the Good, the Bad and the downright Ugly.

MBR watch started at 07.30, like it does every single day, to witness the workers –  It was noted that there appeared to be a unusually high number of workers, we say ‘high’ 12 workers to look after thousands of innocent dogs who’s only crime was to be born at MBR Acres. 

Historically Tuesday is a ‘High alert day’ at Camp.

At 1.00pm, perhaps to coincide with the workers lunch hour, two IMPEX death vans entered MBR Acres  to load and transport their cargo of Beagles.

Whilst every despatch from MBR Acres is distressing it was noted that the level of noise coming from both vans was exceptionally high (Watch and listen to the video below)

A loyal and trusted Camp Beagle Supporter was on watch at Laborp and witnessed the two IMPEX Vans drive past the site being escorted by their Taxpayer funded Security Guards Cambridgeshire Police.

It was later confirmed by witnesses at Sequani that indeed the two IMPEX vans arrived at the Ledbury Puppy killing site.

Why, with a marked Police vehicle and at least 2 unmarked vehicles in tow, did they make a detour past Labcorp?

Taking into consideration that any despatch from MBR is planned in fine detail by the trio of curators of death, MBR, IMPEX and Cambridgeshire Police, who signed off the sick drive by?

Camp was on a low.

At around 4.00pm news hit Camp that Film Star Tom Hardy, had put out a message to his 10m+ followers to support Camp and, more importantly, to sign the petition.

The ‘Hardy’ effect could be seen with the petition’s signatures going through the roof. (We’re still not at 100,000 yet so please don’t stop sharing)

Whilst anyone who signs or promotes the Petition is worthy of our sincere thanks and gratitude to have such a Celebrity’s endorsement raised the morale of the camp when previously it was at rock bottom.

Cheers Tom (and all who have signed) you are welcome at camp any time you choose.

The Camp Beagle Team

ps The video below may contain some ‘industrial language’ – please forgive us but we are sure that you understand that watching IMPEX Vans leave MBR Acres is a very emotional time.