MBR Acres Dog Security – Honest You Couldn’t Make It Up

MBR Acres has many dirty secrets which they don’t want to world to know about – all was good in the past – they had Understanding Animal Research (UAR) to handle any bad publicity and to tell the world that yes their clients are the good guys – they have the Home Office in their back pocket – all is good in the warped world of Marshall BioResources.

Enter Camp Beagle…..

Nothing surprises Camp Beagle any more – Let’s face it Camp has witnessed many things in over 2 years but something happened today at 08.00am (23rd August 2023) which would need to be filled under ‘You couldn’t make this shite up’.

Highly expensive and under-trained Dog Security Staff are employed to work 6/8.00pm until 8.00am and all over the weekends to  assist MBR’s cheap, ineffective and untrained MBR security Staff to keep track of the pesky roadside protesters.

Imagine our shock when a ‘Dog Traitor’ left at 08.00am gesturing at the dedicated protesters and was missing one small but important part of his tatty eBay bought vehicle – have you guessed yet?

Check carefully the number plate – No is hasn’t been photo-shopped it actually reads ‘K9 Dog Security’

Yes the vehicle drove up the road for over a mile then went out of view.

So what chances are that Cambridgeshire Police’s Boys in Blue pull them over?

(Just like a protester was the day before for erratic driving even though he kept within the speed limit as the Police vehicle was following him for over 4 miles….) 

Well we live in hope that the offending driver was pulled over with a Fixed Penalty Notice but realistically there is more chance Scott Marshall (CEO OF Marshall Bioresorces) making a huge donation to the coffers of Camp Beagle.

Honest you couldn’t make this shite up!

The Camp Beagle Team