MBR Acres – The Face of Mass Industrial Cruelty

Imagine a dog breeding facility then imagine a dog breeding facility on an industrial scale. Camp Beagle witness the atrocities on a daily basis

MBR Acres, Marshall Bioresouces have fine-tuned their operation over the past 50 years or so to achieve maximum profit (yes it is all about the money) with minimal outlay.

Each part of the industrial process is geared to the ‘key word’ ‘Minimal’.

Minimal when it comes to,

  • The feeding of the helpless beagles – from industrial feeders so expensive labour is not required
  • The feed – Why give the beagles top quality food when lets face it they would be dead within 2/3 months?
  • Security – Why employ ‘expensive’ ISA qualified Security Guards when people who’s only qualifications is their greed for money with minimal effort are are readily available.
  • Animal Care  – Why provide 24/7 ‘care and attention’ to the beagles when the Government Guidelines says that it is not required? Let’s face it what is the worse that could happen when the beagles are left up to 16 hours a day?

The list goes on and on.

Our fight to shut the hell hole called MBR Acres continues on a daily basis 24/7 until every cage is empty and the evil practice is destined to the history books.

Thank you for your continued and much appreciated support of The Camp Beagle.

The Camp Beagle Team