MBR Acres Beagles – Sent to a Fate Worse Than Death

Sometimes the Videos produced by Camp Beagle or our amazing supporters recording the atrocities at MBR…

x2 Impex Vans Leave MBR Recorded by Camp Beagle

x2 Impex Vans have left MBR Acres today, Monday 24th June 2024, at 09.25am with their…

On This Day 2022: Animal Rising Liberate Beagles

On this day 2 years ago the amazing animal advocates Animal Rising liberated 5 beagles from…

MBR Acres: Where Staff Turn Into Monsters & Security Hide!

We all have probably asked ourselves ‘how could anyone work at MBR Acres?‘ Perhaps in the…

MBR Acres: Trolley full of Beagles go outside for the first time

At Camp Beagle we report on what we see during our 24/7 watch over the hell…

One Impex Van Exits MBR Acres with Beagle Puppies

Today, Tuesday 18th June 2024, an Impex van entered MBR Acres at 11.07am and exited at…

MBR Acres – A Beagle Puppy Hell Hole

Imagine an industrial Puppy Farm where the only time the Puppies see the light of day…

3 Beagle Puppy Death Vans Leave 30th May 2024

We are sorry to report that three Puppy death Impex vans left MBR Acres today,  Thursday…

3 Impex Vans Leave MBR Acres 11th April 2024

The worse start to the day at Camp Beagle  is when the dreaded IMPEX vans arrive…

MBR Acres in Focus – (In) Security

Question: How do you hide what is going on at the rear of a Ford Transit…