Camp Beagle National Outreach 12-13th August 2023

Thank you everyone who went out on the streets to raise public awareness about the MBR beagles.

There’s still a lot people who don’t know puppies and other animals are being used for testing in this country – the vast majority of the general public still think animal testings was stopped with the banning of testing for cosmetics! WRONG!

Thank you to your efforts collecting signatures for the parliamentary petition to end all animal toxicology testing, the number of registered signatures reached over 60,000!!! (Please don’t sit back as we still need 40,000 more)

Just in case you don’t know about our petition – where have you been hiding? Click Here to make a difference.

Special thanks go to (but not limited to)

  • Scottish supporters who hosted the first ever outreach at Trenant, the hometown of one of Charles Rivers Lab, and then held a demo at the gates of their Lab at Elphinstone.
  • Lush who let Camp Beagle supporters host their outreach events at the Birmingham and Northampton stores. (Camp Beagle Loves Lush and their Products – it would be very rude not to go to their – Tell them Camp Beagle sent you!)

The Camp Beagle Team

ps you all are amazing – we honestly couldn’t do it without your love and support!