Camp Beagle – It’s a 24/7 Operation Come Rain or Shine

Camp Beagle – It’s a 24/7 Operation Come Rain or Shine – Being at Camp Beagle isn’t easy – no one there does it for the praise or the glory – they are there to peacefully protest for what they strongly believe in, to close down MBR Acres and to put vivisection on the agenda where it belongs.

This time of the year brings additional challenges to Camp Beagle.

What can be deemed as normal tasks in ‘warm’ weather now take longer and require more planning.

With the recent purchase of upgraded batteries, purchased with your kind donations, Camp can now charge all of their electrical equipment and have lighting  without the fear of the dreaded ‘red warning light’ appearing when charging a laptop.

It is all well and good having decent batteries but without the means to charge them they soon become virtually useless.

To solve the problem Camp is having new, upgraded solar panels installed over the next few weeks combined with the purchase and installation of a wind turbine. (as well as being the longest Animal Rights Protest can Camp also claim to be the most eco-friendly protest?)

As you would expect the weather pays a significant role in the day to day function of Camp – easy tasks like, for example, going to the local supermarket for vital supplies become challenging due to the dreaded ‘M’ word, mud!

There were numerous times last winter that brut force was used to release cars and vans from the grip of the mud!

The lounge tent is being used more and more – as both a rest area and well as a place to shelter from the extreme weather elements experienced at Camp.

So whilst being at Camp during the Summer months can be deemed as almost easy bear a thought for Camp at -7 on a Monday morning in January – as said previously Camp Beagle are a determined and resilient bunch of like minded folk and will continue to be a thorn in the side of MBR Acres come rain, shine and no doubt snow!

The Camp Beagle Team