Labour Announce Home Office Team – Is Change Coming?

The Home Office is fully in charge of animal experiments, as it has been for over…

Email General Election Candidates NOW

Now is the time to email the candidates in your area wanting your vote – let…

Home Office is NOT Fit for Purpose

ASRU (Animals in Science Regulatory Unit), the Home Office department that ‘protects’ laboratory animals, fails yet…

3 Reasons Why We Should Stop Animal Testing

3 Reasons Why We Should Stop Animal Testing – It’s clear and simple!!   We don’t…

The Government Are Starting To Tell the Truth….

The Government start telling the truth…they started but then got in a tangle again..but it’s a…

Camp Beagle Parliament Debate: Animal Testing

Camp Beagle Parliament Debate: Animal testing & non-animal research methods House of Commons debate: Opening the…

Celebs Speak Up For Camp Beagle

Following our successful Parliamentary Debate (19th February) Celebrities have spoken out to both support Camp Beagle…

Camp Beagle is Proud of our Supporters

Camp Beagle has amazing supporters – all of who we are extremely indebted to in order…

Camp Beagle Parliamentary Debate: Update

At last the Government admits that “more can be done.” Up until our Parliamentary debate, the…

Camp Beagle Parliamentary Debate/Demo 19th February 2024

Camp Beagle made a massive impact on the Green outside of Parliament Monday 19th February –…