Resource Sheets

Resource Sheet 1 – Bleeding Licence

For blood MBR Acres have a live donor colony (comprising of some of the stud males or any suitable grade 2 males/females or retired breeder bitches) which may be bled up to four times a month, to a maximum of 15% of their circulating blood volume, typically from the jugular vein, these dogs may be used for several years.

To Download the Full Bleeding Licence Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 2 – Toxicity

Animals are used in pharmaceutical, agricultural and industrial research to predict human toxicity, and yet analysis suggests that animal models are poor predictors of drug and chemical safety for humans.

The cost of animal research is high, financially, with time delays in drug approval, and in the loss of potentially beneficial drugs for human use.

To Download the Full Toxicity Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 3 – Commercial Breeders (Marshall BioResources & Envigo)

The Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 revised 2012 (ASPA) and its Code of Practice sets out minimum guidelines, not even best practice for the care, transit, housing and killing of research animals. For example, Establishment standard condition 4 refers only to ‘adequate care and accommodation’ appropriate to the species.

To Download the Full Commercial Breeders Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 4 – Statistics

In 2022, there were 2.76 million (2021 was 3.06 million) scientific procedures on living animals carried out in GB. Number of animals used for the first time was 2.69 million in 2022 and was 2.98 million in 2021. As some animals are ‘re-used’ the number of animals is less than procedures.

To Download the Full Statistics Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 5 – Bullet Points

It is legal to leave without care 1000+ dogs, mostly puppies, mothers giving birth, runts that need special care etc. for 16 hours a day weekdays, 20 hours at weekends. Even if a vet on call 24/7 there is no-one to call them.

To Download the Full Bullet Points Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 6 – New Approach Methodologies/Non-Animal Methods (NAMs)

NAMs are human-specific techniques that represent superior science. They are designed to provide results that are much more human relevant. They are not hampered by the non-predicative translation of one species to another. Game changing examples are organ-on-a-chip/micro-physiological systems technology and micro-dosing. NAMs are not a choice between an animal life or a human loved one, they provide an opportunity to use superior, cutting-edge new approaches that are specific to humans making them more accurate.

To Download the Full New Approach Methodologies/Non-Animal Methods (NAMs) Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 7 – s24 Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, revised 2012 (ASPA)

Section 24: Protection of confidential information: A person is guilty of an offence if otherwise than for the purposes of discharging his functions under this Act he discloses any information which has been obtained by him in the exercise of those functions and which he knows or has reasonable grounds for believing to have been given in confidence.

To Download the Full Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, revised 2012 (ASPA) Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 8 – The Regulators – Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU)

The Home Office stated purpose of the Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) is to protect animals in science by maintaining compliance with the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 (ASPA). ASRU is a department of the Home Office. As the regulators it is only them that have right of access to Establishments licenced under ASPA 1986. Neither the RSPCA or even the police can enter or inspect Establishments without there being proof of illegal activity.

To Download the Full Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU) Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 9 – The Law

In the UK, there is no explicit legal requirement to use animals for testing pharmaceuticals and chemicals. International guidelines do however include animal tests as the standard expectation. To use a non-animal method it must be formally validated and accepted as a “replacement”. If no officially accepted non-animal method exists, the UK Home Office will automatically grant a licence for the animal testing to go ahead.

To Download the Full Law Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 10 – Social Media FAQs & Comments

Marshall BioResources is a global breeder of laboratory animals. They have a long history of gross animal welfare violations. Their Italian facility at Green Hill was closed and the Directors imprisoned. MBR Acres Limited address is Sawtry Way, Wyton, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 2DT. This facility only breeds beagles, around 2000 a year and sold to UK toxicology laboratories when they are about 20 weeks old.

To Download the Full Social Media Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 11 – Funding

It is very difficult to accurately identify how much the UK spends on human relevant, Non Animal Methodology (NAMs) research. Calculations do though suggest it is close to insignificant at less than 1% of that allocated to animal research. For example in 2019, the UK government’s gross expenditure on research and development (R&D) was £ 38.5 billion. Around 40%, £ 15.4 billion, is spent on basic research which uses many animals and is largely publicly funded. 

To Download the Full Funding Resource Sheet Click Here

Resource Sheet 12 – Dogs

The Government’s own commissioned Ipsos Mori survey on UK public attitudes to animal testing in 2018 showed that 86% of people find it unacceptable to test on dogs for the purpose of medical research, even when that research is said to be for the benefit of human health.

To Download the Full Dogs Resource Sheet Click Here

First Tier Tribunal Decision s24 ASPA 1986 Secrecy Clause

This is an appeal against the Commissioner’s decision notice IC-242999-K2D1 dated 24 October 2023 which held that the Home Office were entitled to withhold the requested information under section 44(1)(a) (prohibitions on disclosure) and section 38(1) (health and safety) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FOIA’).

To Download the Full First Tier Tribunal Decision Resource Sheet Click Here

Camp Beagle – Contact Your MP Template

In our continuing effort to close MBR Acres and stop animal testing we are now concentrating again on Parliament and, in this particular case, the recently elected MPs.

To view the ‘Contact Your MP’ Page Click Here


MBR Acres v Camp Beagle – High Court Injunction

High Court Injunction Transcripts April 26th to May 23rd 2023.

To view and download High Court Injunction Documents Click Here



MBR Acres Limited and others – Contra Mundum Injunction

Camp Beagle were in the High Court Wednesday 19th February 2025 to hear the outcome of the David v Goliath Court Room battle.

Read the full judgement by Clicking Here

Read the Summary Judgement by Clicking Here

The Camp Beagle Team