Marshall BioResources – The Shocking FOI’s are In

These are some of the stats we have unearthed via FOI requests to British and Danish authorities.

All the beagles imported from USA for animal testing are flown by SAS Airlines into Copenhagen, where the paperwork a is processed and then the poor dogs are further distributed to the rest of Europe.

We have evidence of dogs being imported to France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, United Kingdom, Spain and Hungary. MBR have three huge dog breeding facilities in Europe: two in France and MBR Acres in Huntingdon.

They export beagles to the LabCorp Huntingdon lab from New York, whilst MBR Acres is just five miles away. It is symptomatic of the madness of the entire industry. THEY HAVE OPERATED IN SECRECY FOR DECADES…NOW THEIR HIDDEN CRIMES ARE BEING EXPOSED – THEY MUST BE SHUT DOWN.

In 2020 the beagles imported to UK came from Envigo, Virginia, USA. However, in May 2022 this breeding facility was closed by the USA authorities for gross welfare animal violations, and 4,000 beagles were seized and taken for adoption.

Since its closure, Marshall BioResources in North Rose, N.Y., has become the key importer of beagles to the UK, and the figures show a steady increase in the number of dogs being imported.

Marshall BioResources in USA is 11 times bigger than the UK site in Huntingdon. They have dozens of windowless industrial sheds, with capacity for upto 23,000 dogs. The conditions inside can only be horrific, specially as MBR has been found guilty of over 20 animal welfare violations.

The beagles imported from MBR in North Rose, travel first by road for about 5 hours, then they are loaded into the cargo of passenger SAS planes. After 8 hours flight to Copenhagen, the terrified dogs and their paperwork are processed at the airport and then flown yet again into a European Country. Flights from Copenhagen arrive to Manchester Airport, where the dogs are then driven to UK contracting laboratories for yet more suffering and torture.

Further details about this investigation will be published over the next few days, for now these are some the key figures we have obtained evidence for.

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#MBRGatewaytoHell – #endanimaltesting – #CampBeagle – #endvivisectionnow – #flightsas – #freethembrbeagle