On Thursday 11h April 2024 at 9.17am John Curtin, a long term resident of camp and prominent activist, was arrested at Camp Beagle by CaMBRidgeshire Police on charges of ‘flying a drone without it being in eye sight’.

For over 2 years the police have witnessed John flying the drone and the arrest was for breaking some part of the ‘drone laws’ as to whether the drone can be visibly seen by the operator As at time of posting John has not been charged with anything but there are strict bail conditions in place the main being he is not to go within 1/2 mile of Camp Beagle/MBR Acres with effect from Midnight 11th April 2024.
You’d have though that such a crime would have resulted in a ‘slap on the wrist’, perhaps a nominal token fine, but clearly it was not on the agenda of Cambridgeshire Police.
Three PC’s were tasked to arrest John, who did not resist arrest but for some unknown reason was injured (resulting in him going to A&E this morning – Friday 12th April)
John was taken to Parkside Police Station Cambridge which, although a Police station within Cambridgeshire, is not the nearest this being, St. Ives or Huntingdon both of which are some 5/10 minutes drive away from Camp and Cambridge being 40 minutes away.
Legal representation was provided at the Police Station and is ongoing.
John is being well cared for by local friends and he wishes to relay his sincere thanks for the messages and support of both him and for Camp Beagle.
We are in communications with all parties involved and will be publishing regular updates in due course.
The fight continues.