It’s all about Respect of the Beagles even when they leave Hell

Nothing prepares you for when the IMPEX vans arrive to take their cargo of innocent Beagle Puppies to their ultimate painful and slow death.

There is nothing you can do to stop the vans even though all of the supporters who witness it would do so in a heartbeat.

A combination of the injunction zone implemented by the High Court forbids supporters from entering the zone, even though no one knows exactly where the boundaries are, CaMBRidgeshire Police and the highly trained and SIA registered security staff 🙂 at MBR Acres forbids that no so-called illegal actions by Supporters can take place.

All that the Supporters of Camp Beagle can do is to bear witness, show anger and, above all, show respect.

This week a Supporter of Camp Beagle was sent a letter advising them that stop the ‘Persistently throwing of flowers at Vans (IMPEX) as they leave MBR Acres’.

Apparently the throwing of the flowers at the IMPEX vans causes needless anxiety to the IMPEX drivers.

At Camp Beagle we call this action RESPECT for the Beagles when they go on their final journey to ultimate death.

It is somewhat strange that the driver of the IMPEX vans, mostly chief animal transporter and abuser Russell Morgan, is so in fear of a bunch of flowers hitting the windscreen that he still has time to shout abuse at Supports whilst ‘giving the fingers’

The letter was sent by Operation Vastus  (named after the vastus muscles which are three of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps femoris muscle of the thigh – yes you couldn’t make it up) which thanks to a FOI request spent £500,000 of taxpayers money in one year protecting MBR Acres or, as Camp Beagle refers to them as, their clients. 

In the scheme of things throwing flowers at a windscreen can be seen as ‘low level crime’ if indeed it is classified as a crime.

Surely Cambridgeshire Police should concentrate on more serious matters like, and I know this might offend the Boys in Blue, solve crime?

To put into prospective in Huntingdon there were the following ‘top 4’* offences recorded – perhaps you would think that this is over perhaps a six month period? NO all were committed in one month, June 2023.

  • 197 Reports of Violence and sexual offences
  • 77 Reports of Antt-social behaviour offences
  • 46 Public order offences
  • 40 Criminal damage and arson offences

Our message to CaMBRridgeshire Police is a simple one – get your priorities right and stop being a private security company for MBR Acres.

The Camp Beagle Team

* Obtained from 20th August 2023

Filled Under you Couldn’t make this shite up

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