Irregularities In Animal Testing – The Secret Industry

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives people the right to access information that public authorities hold… but there’s an EXCEPTION FOR ANIMAL TESTING… a purposely placed secrecy clause:

SECTION 24 of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 makes it a criminal offence to share information about animal testing, even if those involved want to. All information relating to animal welfare is kept secret.

The Animal Welfare Act 2006 provides protection from abuse to all vertebrate animals… but there’s an EXCEPTION FOR ANIMAL TESTING… a purposely placed loophole:

SECTION 58 states all animals in scientific research are exempted from the protection of the Animals Welfare Act.

So why is animal testing exempted from a Bill to protect the general public from corruption and from a bill to protect animals from abuse?

These irregularities can only lead to corruption and abuse as demonstrated in each undercover investigation inside of a laboratory.

For additional information on Section 24 Click Here

The Camp Beagle Team