In remembrance of all the Beagles at MBR Acres taken this year to suffer and ultimately die in Toxicology labs throughout the UK.

Camp Beagle has witnessed and broadcasted 44 shipments in 2023, consisting of 74 death vans in total.
Impex is the transport company responsible for taking the beagles puppies from MBR Acres to toxicology contracting laboratories.
We are developing a network to track the delivery of the dogs to the laboratories, over 35 of the death vans that left MBR this year were seen entering Labcorp in Huntingdon, Sequani Labs in Ledbury, and Charles River in Scotland. Activists protested at the arrival of yet more puppies to endure misery at toxicology laboratories.
Days of the week shipments:
☆ Monday x 3
☆ Tuesday x 18
☆ Wednesday x 7
☆ Thursday x 15
☆ Friday x 1
The Impex vans seen most frequently at MBR are DA07LNU, seen 28 times, KX70OFW, seen 25 times, and KX65LXZ and KX65LYA also seen regularly.
The Camp Beagle Team