Camp Beagle Parliament Debate: Animal Testing

Camp Beagle Parliament Debate: Animal testing & non-animal research methods
House of Commons debate: Opening the debate Elliot Colburn MP said:

“The UK purports to be a nation of animal lovers, and I truly believe that it is, but we need to ensure that we update our laws to truly reflect that fact.

“I ask the Government to invest in and fund NAMs properly by reallocating existing funds and promoting collaboration.

“They have an incredible ability to bring together the industry, researchers, advocacy groups, campaigners and others to create a road map and a strategy so we can truly say that the UK does not need to use animal testing methods any more.

“We can stop the use of animals and hold ourselves up to an incredibly high international standard as a nation of animal lovers.”

The Minister for Science, Research and Innovation, Andrew Griffiths MP, responded to the debate on behalf of the Government.

He wrote to Cat Smith MP, Chair of the Petitions Committee, setting out the announcements he made during the debate:

“More can be done to speed up the development of non-animal methods. Therefore, I have requested that we double our investment in research to achieve these approaches next year. The investment will reach £20m across the system in 2024/25.

“In addition to this, the government will be publishing a plan to accelerate the development, validation, and uptake of technologies and methods to reduce reliance on the use of animals in science.

“This will be led by a cross-government group that will consult stakeholders in industry, academia, and charities to develop a detailed plan, which will be published in the summer.

“We will also restart the public attitudes to animal research survey, which was unfortunately delayed by the pandemic. The next survey will take place in the coming months, and the results will be published this autumn.

“Furthermore, the Home Office has agreed to increase the licence fees required to perform regulated procedures involving animals. The Home Office will also review the duration of these licences to ensure they are appropriate.”

Closing statement: Elliot Colburn MP finished the debate:

“The restarting of the public attitudes survey, the doubling of investment next year, the Home Office review of licence duration and fees, and that all-important plan are excellent steps in the right direction.

“I am grateful that [the Minister] was able to make some announcements during the debate, and I am sure that the organisations that are represented in the Public Gallery and that briefed Members will want to engage with the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology in order to feed into the plan.

“I am very grateful for that announcement. As we have made clear, if we do not make any progress, we will be back next year talking about exactly the same thing, because that is what the petitioners expect of us.”

To watch the debate or to read the full transcript Click Here

More and more MPs are asking the government to take action regarding animal testing because it’s becoming more and more obvious that it’s failing animals, patients, medicine, and science.

Please contact your MP and encourage them to speak up for the animals suffering and dying in laboratories and build upon the pressure to develop scientific knowledge using methodologies based on human biology.

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The Camp Beagle Team