Animal Rising Activists Charged with ‘Burglary’

In a statement Animal Rising confirmed that Activists are being charged with ‘burglary’ following their liberation of Beagle Puppies from MBR Acres.

Nathan McGovern, on behalf of the Beagle 18, said,

This week, I was called into Thorpe Wood police station to be given the news that I, alongside 18 others, were being charged with burglary and facing up to 10 years in prison for rescuing beagle puppies from a life of torture in animal testing.

On the night of the 20th of December 2022, myself and other supporters from Animal Rising entered MBR (Marshall BioResources) Acres facility near Cambridge and helped rescue 18 beagle puppies from a life of torture in the animal testing industry. Now, nearly two years later, 18 people have been charged with the burglary of dogs from the facility. You might be surprised to hear that this is what we hoped would happen, because this case isn’t about us, it is all about putting animal testing on trial.

This is the trial of the decade, and it could not be more important. If juries of 12 ordinary people return not-guilty verdicts for our actions, it will send a shockwave through society; it could even spell the beginning of the end for testing on animals in the UK and perhaps the globe. However, the animal testing industry is rich and powerful and will do anything to find us guilty.

We will need access to expert legal professionals to build our case and we’ll likely spend months, if not years, waiting for the trial itself. Throughout this time we need your support to give us the best chance of finding animal testing guilty. Please donate to help support us with the costs of expert legal professionals, travel to court, accommodation during the trial, and turning this trial into a massive national conversation. we win this trial, it could change the game for animal freedom.

Dr Lindsay Marshall, biomedical science advisor to the Humane Society International UK recently stated “The UK cannot expect to have world-leading science innovation whilst we rely on failing animal-based research methods that are rooted in the past. Reliable alternatives to animal testing include testing on lab-grown stem cells or ‘organs-on-a-chip.”

I am willing to risk a 10-year prison sentence to make sure no other animal has to suffer at the hands of animal testing.

Please stand with us, for Love, Libby and all animals trapped in this horrific industry.

Thank You,

Nathan McGovern, on behalf of the Beagle 18.

Needless to say Camp Beagle is behind Animal Rising 100%.

The Camp Beagle Team