We Value All of Camp Beagles’s Supporters

Without the support from our numerous followers getting the message out to the world about what happens at MBR Acres could not happen. It’s as simple as that.

Our supporters means anyone who, for example, likes, follows or shares us on social media,  does outreach, talks to friends, work colleagues or family, comes to visit camp, or makes a financial donation. As we say we couldn’t have a 24/7 365 day presence outside the gates of hell without this valued and much appreciated support.

Although the financial side of Camp Beagle is of course important, getting the message out there of the plight of the beagles will always take centre stage.

The ‘day to day’ running of Camp Beagle you could say is run on a shoestring – each month we publish our expenditure – but it is all funded by generous donations.

One person who we believe has gone above and beyond is a valued supporter of Camp Beagle, Becca Furbear.

Referred to at Camp as ‘The Bracelet lady’ Becca is producing high quality bracelets to raise funds for Camp Beagle which she has done over the past few months and will continue to do so should the demand still be there.

Thank you Becca – ‘we couldn’t do it without you’.

The Camp Beagle Team

To order this unique symbol of Freedom for the Beagles and A&A Creations will donate to keep Camp Beagle outside the gates of MBR Acres

To Purchase a bracelet Click Here

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