Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals 2023

Home Office published these figures today.. here is a summary of the statistics for the beagles.

The total number of animals is reported to be 2,680,000 animals BUT THE REAL FIGURE IS WAY HIGHER THAN THIS, because the government figures do not include the number of animals killed without ever been used in an experiment.

Statistics of Scientific Procedures on Living Animals 2023

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Here there are some key points from the 2023 figures published today:

– The number of procedures (experiments) on beagles has come down from 4,122 in 2022, to 3,593 in 2023. The majority of these procedures are regulatory procedures, such as toxicology.

– The number of beagles used also has come down from 2,655 in 2022 to 2,371 in 2023.

– There are more procedures than dogs, because many beagles are re-used in more than one experiment.

– The number of beagles imported has significantly decreased from 569 in 2022 to 192 beagles in 2023.

– Yet the number of beagles bred in UK licensed establishment has increased from 2,084 in 2022 to 2,176 beagles in 2023.

– We doubt some the figures they have published today and we will be contesting the Home Office. Remember, stats for 2022 had to be republished several times because we raised complaints about gross errors on their own data!

– These figures are part of the very limited and censored information on animal testing that the government makes publicly available.

To read the full Government Statistics Click Here

The Camp Beagle Team