Project Licences – A Betrayal By the UK Government

The Rt Hon Yvette Cooper, Home Office Minister, has approved project licences  from period July to September 2024 for death sentences for 2,460 dogs and hundreds of thousands of other animals.

As Dogs are a specially protected species for a Project Licence to be granted the laboratories must provide a justification for the use of these dogs.

The only two main reasons they give are:

√ ‘Dogs are commonly used due to their similar characteristics to humans’

THIS CLAIM LACKS VALIDATION – There is no evidence proving that the dog is a scientifically valid research model.

√ ‘There is lots of data available from decades of dog testing’

THIS IS NOT SCIENCE – Animal models do not work. Therefore, the data available is flawed.

Technology and scientific advancements are now ready to consign animal testing to the dark pages of history.

The time is NOW to truly advance science with human-based research and new approach methodologies.

You can read here all the project licences granted last quarter of the year by Clicking Here

More and more MPs are asking the government to take action regarding animal testing because it’s becoming more and more obvious that it’s failing animals, patients, medicine, and science.

Please contact your MP and encourage them to speak up for the animals suffering and dying in laboratories and build upon the pressure to develop scientific knowledge using methodologies based on human biology.

To find your local MP Click Here

The Camp Beagle Team