MBR Acres: Where Staff Turn Into Monsters & Security Hide!

We all have probably asked ourselves ‘how could anyone work at MBR Acres?

Perhaps in the first few days they go through the ‘shocked stage’, remember most were employed using the recruitment headline of ‘Want a rewarding career looking after animals?’.

If they still continue to work at MBR Acres after a few days we conclude that they have become desensitised to the horrors they witness on a daily basis -perhaps to living near a busy road – after a while you don’t really hear the traffic.

After a week or so,

 – the horrors they witnessed when they first were employed become almost ‘normal’.

 – The smell of ammonia which once made them feel sick and made their eyes water doesn’t anymore.

 – the noise from the helpless dogs (once recorded by activists as over 100db from approximately 50 foot from the sound-proofed sheds) doesn’t really bother them now.

– the cute beagle puppies which at first they wanted to cuddle become to be thought of as financial objects of the company they work for – and all for the blood tainted monthly pay cheque.

Security? Unlike most security staff in the UK our research has shown that no security staff at MBR Acres are registered on the Government approved security scheme SIA – Why would they? MBR Acres have the added protection of the Home Office and remember CaMBRidgeshire Police are just a call away.

So what do they do? What training to they get? What do they do when approached by an activist?

The last question can be answered in the video below taken 18th June 2024 – where in reality the main purpose of a security staff is to show a visible presence to ward off possible intruders but their answer is to hide!

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the staff of MBR Acres!

The Camp Beagle Team