Impex Collect Beagle Puppies from MBR and Deliver to Labcorp

With a heavy heart Camp Beagle reports that another van, believed to contain 32 beagle puppies, were collected from MBR Acres and driven to Labcorp Wooley some 6 miles away.

As soon as the call out was made activists were despatched to likely destinations one being Labcorp – A team of activists arrived shortly after to be ‘greeted’ by Cambridgeshire Police strategically parked in layby near to the entrance/exit to ensure that IMPEX consignment was delivered without incident or disruption.

The IMPEX van was seen entering and approximately 25 minutes thereafter exited via a exit not normally used, well away from the parked Cambridgeshire Police Patrol car, which was taken out of action of protecting the general Public to protect the IMPEX driver.

The Fight continues until every cage is empty.

The Camp Beagle Team