Camp Beagle has witnessed and reported on many things about the atrocities that happen behind the razor wired fences of MBR Acres so much so it is safe to say that nothing shocks us anymore; you could say we’ve been there recorded that. That is until this week.

MBR Workers like routines in fact you could almost set your clock by them – Staff arrive between 07.30am and 08.00am during the week and promptly depart at 4.00pm. Camp knows the cars which the workers drive and if they arrive alone or with a colleague – Routine.
It was noted on Monday that when a worker arrived there was a passenger by her side – a youngster; as the female driver didn’t leave the MBR site until her normal departure time it was assumed that the mystery teenager was on site all day.
The same was repeated for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (to date)
This begs the question is the unknown teenager actually working for MBR Acres perhaps on their Summer break?
Our role has always been to report what we see – make your own minds up – nothing surprises us what MBR Acres do any way!

The Camp Beagle Team