Friends of Camp Beagle v Home Office

Today, 16th November 2023, the battle for information was taken to the judges at a First Tier Tribunal.

Thanks to an incredible Barrister, the Home Office have been challenged on their continual refusal to allow access to any information on the subject of animals in laboratories. Even similar information that has been released in the past is being blocked today.

The Freedom of Information Act gives the public the right to know things about publicly run bodies and how their tax is spent. There are some circumstances where this is not allowed, and these circumstances are called exemptions. We and others have been trying to get to the truth, to find information on how this evil system operates, and even how the shroud of secrecy has remained so impenetrable all these years – efforts are refused – blocked using these exemptions.

Today it was argued in front of a panel that the information should be released, that the exemptions do not apply, that the public has a right to know… watch this space because the panel are now going to deliberate and will produce a written judgment in the next few weeks.

Thanks to the legal team – nobody could have given more. We want to acknowledge the time and dedication on their part. Thank you all and here’s to hoping justice for the animals, let’s hear the truth.

The Camp Beagle Team