Camp Beagle – The word is getting out there

Camp Beagle does its job 24/7, 365 days a year primarily to expose the atrocities which happen at MBR Acres, ultimately close them down, to raise awareness of vivisection and the plight of the poor helpless MBR Beagles.

Camp can not do this campaign without two essential elements ‘love’ and ‘support’ – of which we get both in abundance.

We wish to highlight a group on facebook, ‘Where in the World are the Beagles?‘  which is dedicated to raising both the profile and awareness of Camp Beagle, as a selection of photographs below will confirm, by simply leaving stickers, leaflets and customised stones in stragically placed locations up and down the country.

In addition, a keen and loyal support of Camp Beagle, whilst spreading the word of Camp Beagle stumbled across  the ‘Little Green Pigeon Vegan Store’ in Aberaeron, Wales. How amazing that the staff knew all about Camp Beagle and our work and were more than happy to distribute our stickers and leaflets and well as have conversations with their customers.

See one small connection can make all the difference in a campaign – the more people who know about Camp Beagle the more likely they are going to tell friends, family, colleagues and even sign our petition – so don’t be afraid of spreading the word.

Blatant plug for the Little Green Pigeon Vegan Store incoming – visit their website by clicking here

Thank you ‘Where in the World are the beagles?’ and Little Green Pigeon Vegan Store – keep up the good, no great, work.

The Camp Beagle Team