Camp Beagle Talks – LD50 Test – Available Now to Watch

Watch the Online talk about LD50 test by Jessamy Korotoga, Head of Science at Animal Aid.

The notorious LD50 – lethal dose 50% test – was devised in 1927 and is still being used today for toxicity studies.

Jessamy describes what the test involves, how many animals are used, and explains a vegan alternative to this cruel, unreliable, and outdated test.

She also talks about licences authorising animal experiments and ‘service licences’ in particular.

Jessamy Korotoga has campaigned against animal experiments in a full-time capacity for the last 18 years, the last 10 at Animal Aid.

In 2024, Animal Aid won the LUSH prize for public awareness for their campaign against the LD50 tests.

The online talk was first broadacast via zoom and hosted by Camp Beagle Sunday 16th March 2025.

The Camp Beagle Team