Camp Beagle Resource Sheets

Camp Beagle has produced a series of Resource Sheets invaluable when requiring facts on the vivisection industry. for example. when writing letters, doing outreach or just educating yourself.

  • Resource Sheet 1 – Bleeding Licence
  • Resource Sheet 2 – Toxicity
  • Resource Sheet 3 – Commercial Breeders (Marshal BioResources & Envigo)
  • Resource Sheet 4 – Statistics
  • Resource Sheet 5 – Bullet Points
  • Resource Sheet 6 – New Approach Methodologies/Non-Animal Methods (NAMs)
  • Resource Sheet 7 – Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, revised 2012 (ASPA)
  • Resource Sheet 8 – The Regulators – Animals in Science Regulation Unit (ASRU)
  • Resource Sheet 9 – The Law
  • Resource Sheet 10 – Social Media FAQs & Comments

The Resource Sheets can be downloaded by Clicking Here

The Camp Beagle Team