Vet Speaks Out at ‘Unlawful’ Conditions at MBR Acres

A leading vet has stated the way the Beagles at MBR Acres are being kept is ‘unawful’.

In a statement Dr Clive Madeiros BVetMed MRCVS – Veterinary Expert Witness, said,

“I believe that the way these Beagles are being kept is unlawful because they are being allowed to suffer unnecessarily and the suffering could be avoided … [MBR Acres] appears to be breaching its Codes of Practice and Licensing Conditions”




Dr Madeiros, the Senior partner of the West Bar Veterinary Hospital Partnership and the managing director of the West Bar Veterinary Hospital Ltd, has been in mixed general practice for over 36 years, since qualifying in 1979.

He has been undertaking expert witness work for 22 years, writing 6-12 expert reports a year and attending court when necessary, covering:  Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare Act 2006, Professional Negligence, Farming related veterinary problems. 

He is a member of: British Veterinary Association, British Small Animal Veterinary Association, British Equine Veterinary Association, Pig Veterinary Association & British Veterinary Poultry Association

For additional information on the West Bar Veterinary Hospital visit their Website