Sequani Receive Impex Delivery of Innocent Beagle Puppies

This week has been horrendous for screaming 16 week+ beagle puppies being shipped out of MBR Acres.

Impex Van Departing from Sequani, Ledbury.

Our comprehensive records dating back over 3 years confirms that there has never been this volume of shipments in one week – 7 vans.

At this early stage we can only speculate as to why so many vans have left MBR Acres but rest assured the Camp Beagle Team and our researchers are working on answers.

However this week has effected Camp Beagle, Animal Activists and those supporting or following Camp Beagle it fades into total insignificance when you consider what is happening or will happen to those poor souls in the coming days and weeks.

The Camp Beagle Team