Research: No Importation of Beagles from the US to UK Labs

According to Camp Beagle research there were no importation of beagles from the USA to UK laboratories between 10th September 2023 to 31st January 2024.

Camp Beagle - Importation of Beagles to UK Labs

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√ During that same period in 2022/23 there was 250 dogs imported from USA.

√ During the first six months of 2023, there were 399 dogs imported.

√ Since our international expose in August 2023 there have been NO dogs shipped from the USA to the UK by SAS Airlines via Copenhagen airport.

However, SAS still have not made a formal statement, so the pressure must continue to ensure they join the list of airlines and transport companies who refuse to ship animals to laboratories.



Please send SAS the following semi automated email by Clicking Here

For additional information about the importation into European countries via Copenhagen we gathered by Freedom of Information Request can be found by Clicking Here

The Camp Beagle Team

One thought on “Research: No Importation of Beagles from the US to UK Labs

  1. I’m praying 🙏 that no beagles being importing to Britain for the last few months is the beginning of the end 🤞…thank you to the thousands of people that are working to stop it .

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