MBR Acres – It’s a Shite Place Literally

MBR Acres won’t be getting anymore Lignocel (sawdust) deliveries – used to soak up the urine and faeces in this nasty, stinking, cruel puppy factory.

In Italy senior MBR management were sent to prison for running a MBR puppy hell-hole where 93 beagle puppies died in a 2 year period after ingesting/breathing in the sawdust.

Every Monday, regular as clockwork, AWSM Farming would send a lorry skip to deliver a skip and to remove a full up skip until now that is.

The company would deliver their cargo of toxic waste to Aycliffe Quarry some 200 miles away from MBR Acres; the site, run by the Ashcroft Group, after pressure have refused to accept further deliveries the result of which is that shite is literally backing up at the MBR Acres site.

We are closely monitoring the case and have initially contacted all agencies involved – even after a week or so of the shite not being collected the smell is increasing day by day.

The Camp Beagle Team