Larissa The Beagle Puppy – 16 Week Pupdate

This week’s Pupdate is both joyous and sad in equal measures – this week is the 16th Week.

Joyous is the fact that Larissa has matured into a loyal, fun loving, cute and loving beagle puppy.

Sad in the fact that the MBR Acres bred beagles have come to their sell by date – the MBR product is ready for despatch to the likes of Sequani, Charles River, Envigo or Labcorp.

Soon the MBR Acres beagles will be unceremoniously bundled into a waiting crate – petrified and screaming they will literally be thrown into the back of an IMPEX van to start their journey to be experimented upon in the name of ‘fake science’.

Once they have entered the IMPEX van MBR’s association with their ‘product’ ends – the only thing to do now is to mark the beagles as being sent, record the numbers in their records for the likes of the Home Office and to raise an invoice.

For the beagles the pain and suffering is about to start.

The best that the MBR Beagles can hope for is that the next weeks or months will be as painless and the suffering will be short – whatever degree of torture they endure some will die during the tests, some will be euthanized but it all cases they will end up in a yellow bio-hazard bag awaiting collection from the likes of Stericycle.

No evidence of their existence apart from a carefully recorded test result filed away in the cabinets of the Lab’s administration department and to appear on the Home Office’s annual report on animal testing.

Contrast this to Larissa – how lucky is she that by the grace of God she wasn’t born in the puppy Auschwitz aka MBR Acres – she has another 12-15 years of enjoying being a beagle.

RIP the MBR Beagles

The Camp Beagle Team