How loud are the barking MBR Beagles?

Unless you actually visit MBR Acres it is near impossible to quantify the noise levels generated by the screaming beagles just by watching a video clip.

To put the noise levels into prospective the highest decibel reading taken by Camp Beagle at MBR Acres reached an ear shattering 100db.

So how loud is 100db?

100bd is equivalent to the sound of a chainsaw, a jackhammer, or a rock concert from the front row. To put this into context the average conversation typically hovers around 60 decibels, while a whisper is around 30 decibels.

Remember that the decibel readings were taken some 50 feet from the sound-proofed sheds – imagine the noise levels inside the sheds and what impact it has on the beagles – the sound of stress and madness?

Below is a video highlighting the sound levels – play it with your speakers set to maximum – it may get close to the levels actually recorded.

The Camp Beagle Team