As part of Camp Beagle’s campaign to close MBR Acres we work closely with a number of other groups all of who have the same passion and determination and who we can rely on and support.
One of these groups is East Lothian Uncaged – a recently formed animal rights group based in close proximity to Charles River, the notorious animal abuser company based in Tranent on the outskirts of Edinburgh.
Whenever a consignment of beagle puppies leave MBR Acres East Lothian Encaged are informed, as are a number of other groups and individuals, in order that a ‘welcome’ can be made for the IMPEX vans should they arrive.
As Charles River also ship in monkeys any information which we have gathered is relayed to them to include, for example, flight numbers, airports etc.
on 31st October we were advised that whilst protesting outside Charles River Tranent an activist of East Lothian Uncaged was deliberately driven at by a worker causing severe injuries to their legs and back; thankfully after medical treatment the activist was discharged from the local A&E battered and bruised.
The incident was reported to Police.
Being an Animal Activist takes dedication and passion – all of which are in abundance at East Lothian Uncaged – you protest not for the glory or praise but to get the message out that Animal testing is outdated and flawed.
Nothing worth fighting for is easy but having your life put in danger whilst protesting is obviously totally unacceptable; we hope that the Police takes the steps to get the motorist prosecuted and of course we wish the brave activist a speedy recovery.
To get involved with East Lothian Uncaged visit their Facebook Page – follow and support them they’re the good guys.
Stop Press: The full story of the ‘incident’ as published by the East Lothian Courier Newspaper can be viewed by Clicking Here