Contrast the Life of a Beagle Puppy – Pupdate 8 Weeks

You may recall that we contrasted the life of a MBR Beagle to that of a Beagle, but by the grace of God, wasn’t born in MBR Acres. (If not Click Here)

Since 25th August much has happened in the Life of Larissa.

Like ‘normal’ Beagle puppies she is inquisitive of her new surrounding – playful – eats everything – and sleeps a lot (not necessarily in that order)

As the photos will show even after 3 days or so since we first published she has grown.

She is now 8 1/2 weeks old and in front of her is a lifetime of love and joy – For the MBR Beagles time is slowly ticking by minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day and week by week……….

The Camp Beagle Team