Camp Beagle Spreading the Word to LUSH

Camp Beagle works closely with numerous external campaigns and companies to promote and educate the plight…

Camp Beagle – It’s a 24/7 Operation Come Rain or Shine

Camp Beagle – It’s a 24/7 Operation Come Rain or Shine – Being at Camp Beagle…

Ron – Camp Beagle’s Patron – Celebration 14th November 2023

On Tuesday 14th November Ron’s family and friends will be coming to Camp to commemorate his…

Home Office Licences – A Licence to Kill

A data analysis of the Non Technical Summaries published between 2018 and Sept 2023 reveal the…

Barry Horne Memorial at Labcorp Huntingdon

On Sunday 5th November at 8am a group of people stood outside LabCorp on Woolly Road…

MBR Acres: It’s a dog’s life BUT IT NEVER EVER SHOULD BE..

It’s a dog’s life BUT IT NEVER EVER SHOULD BE.. the life of a lab Beagle…

Born for a Lab – Instead the Beagle Encountered Human Love

Anyone involved in the Camp Beagle campaign, or any animal rights campaign, tend to think constantly…

Focused Group: East Lothian Uncaged

As part of Camp Beagle’s campaign to close MBR Acres we work closely with a number…

MBR Acres – A Horror Show 365 Days A year

MBR Acres – A real life Horror Show 365 Days a year not just for Halloween…

MBR Acres – I think You’d Better Leave Right now

To paraphrase Will Young’s hit ‘Think MBR better leave right now’ as the pop star appeared…