Camp Beagle Welcomes Kyle Thomas

Camp Beagle had the pleasure of welcoming social media influencer, adventurer, author and animal advocate Kyle Thomas to see camp and, more importantly, MBR Acres. (Friday 14th March 2025)

Kyle Thomas Visits Camp Beagle

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Kyle wrote on his social media.

“Today I visited Hell. (MBR acres). If you are not familiar with it, it is a beagle breeding facility in Cambridgeshire, England. Which breeds beagles and sends them off to toxicology labs to endure the suffering of lethal doses of vaccines all in the name of medicinal research.”

Yes, this is happening the UK. But also on an international scale.”

Please support the work of the camp beagle and campaign against this cruelty. I will be sharing a lot more soon. But this facility is right in front of the public and the camp beagle are there for YOU to get involved with to help end it. I cannot believe this is happening in our educated times…”

Thanks for taking the time to visit Camp Beagle Kyle – you are of course welcome anytime.

The Camp Beagle Team

Kyle can be followed on his instagram account by Clicking Here