MBR Staff State They Are Intimidated by Camp Beagle Protesters…..

They say that a photograph can say a thousand words. The two photographs below certainly do that!

Today Robert Sturman, a photographer, visited Camp Beagle to show his support whilst capturing amazing photographs which will posted on his instagram account.

Totally unprovoked by Camp Beagle protesters, who were located across the road from the exit, the worker can be seen giving the ‘one finger salute’.

It is worth noting that in any court case involving MBR Acres the staff are ‘coached’ to say that they are provoked and intimidated by the presence of Camp Beagle protesters – clearly the photographs say otherwise.

It is also worth noting that there is a passenger in the woman’s car – we guess they are a teenager and as the woman didn’t exit the MBR Acres site during the day, we can only assume that they were on site for the duration of her shift.

This begs the question? Are Children allowed on site? Or would you take your son or daughter to the hell hole which is MBR Acres?

Robert is the proud owner of ‘Otis the Handsome Hound’ an ex-lab Coonhound born at Marshall Bioresources facility at North Rose New York State  and subject to torture for 4 years.  His adventures can be found on his own instagam account – well worth a follow just to see how lucky Otis is, or more important, Robert is to have Otis in his life!

Our sincere thanks to Robert Sturman who can be found at Website – YouTube – Instagram – Facebook

The Camp Beagle Team