Animal Rising Shows Solidarity with Camp Beagle

Animal Rising Shows Solidarity with Camp Beagle by posting on their Facebook account

Three Years of Camp Beagle

We want to show solidarity with the amazing Camp Beagle over their anniversary –  3 years on, one of the largest pressure campaigns in modern animal rights is still going strong with a presence outside MBR Acres day and night.

MBR Acres breeds and prepares beagle puppies for a short and horrific life in vivisection.

The recent impact of campaigners targeting this site, and their transporter Impex, cannot be overstated.

Animal Rising supporters rescued 23 beagles from MBR Acres in recent years and some of our team are finally going to face trial for “burglary” for saving those puppies.

Together with Camp Beagle we have shown the animal testing industry we won’t be silenced, and we will continue to work alongside them and other campaigners until this abhorrent industry is shut for good.

Animal Rising



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The Camp Beagle Team