Camp Beagle Welcomes Celebrity Supporters

Camp Beagle welcomed celebrities and big supporters of Camp yesterday (Monday 1st July 2024) Carol Royale and Wendy Turner-Webster.

 – Carol Royale is a long time animal activist and, in addition to Camp Beagle, supports Animal Aid, Animal Free Research UK, Safer Medicines Campaign, Friends of the Animals, and Compassion in World Farming.

She is an established actress and is currently in the Soap Coronation Street.

 – Wendy Turner-Webster  is an English journalist, television presenter and a seasoned animal rights activist.

She is a patron of the Vegan Society, Viva! and the Vegetarian Society.

Both praised the Camp Beagle campaign and Camp’s dedication to closing down MBR Acres.

Thank you ladies for your valued support – you are of course welcome any time!

The Camp Beagle Team

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