Camp Beagle v Home Office – Freedom of Information Requests

Camp Beagle v Home Office – Freedom of Information Requests – Another David against Goliath Victory for Camp Beagle.

After two and half years of hard work, a decision notice has been issued that upheld a complaint against both the Home Office and the Information Commissioners Office for withholding information regarding MBR Acres.

The Home Office can no longer hide behind exemptions for Freedom of Information requests.

All MBR Acres inspection reports have now been released which is a great victory towards transparency.

The paradox of this situation is that gaining access to the crucial inspection reports into this gigantic beagle factory tells us nothing, LITERALLY NOTHING, about the plight of the beagles.

Sometimes saying NOTHING says everything.

The newly released reports, just like the inspection of 2022, are just a tick box exercise with a few inspector’s notes. In the eyes of the Home Office inspectorate, MBR Acres are flawless and unbelievably have adequate staffing.

This tribunal has been won with the support and efforts of Adam Richardson of 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square and Vanessa Challess of Silverstone Law. Their work has been outstanding and pro bono, and we are deeply grateful to them both.

The Camp Beagle Team