Trolleys of Dead Farmed Dogs Wheeled out of Lab

At the beginning of the Camp Beagle/MBR Acres campaign, September 2021, the Daily Mirror exposed beagles being used in vivisection.

Purpose-bred dogs are bred specifically for research and obtained from Class A dealers who raise all their animals in a closed colony on their own premises.

Researchers claim that the advantages of fusing purpose-bred animals include more uniform genetic control, fewer health problems, consistent vaccination histories, and animals accustomed to cage life. Adversely, researchers say purpose-bred dogs are more expensive, and they lack the proper socialization necessary for research.

Marshall BioResources in Huntingdon UK. The UK is the country in Europe that tortures and kills dogs the most in animal experiments. Thousands of puppies are bred to be slaughtered in laboratories.

Vivisection is the practice of cutting into or using invasive techniques on live animals. The term is derived from the Latin word vivus, which means ‘alive.” Animal experimentation is conducted in universities, hospitals, military bases, agricultural facilities, and independent laboratories that are contracted by corporations.

Billions of non-human animals have been burned, crushed, sliced, electrocuted, poisoned, and psychologically tormented in the name of research. What have we learned from all of this suffering? That animal experimentation is inherently unethical, inevitably wasteful, and wholly unreliable.

To Read the full Daily Mirror expose – Click Here

The Camp Beagle Team