The Camp Beagle 2025 Calendar!

The Camp Beagle 2025 Calendar – We’ve sold out – thanks for everyone who purchased one!…

Ben CompassionART Masterpiece for Camp Beagle

Ben has finished a second CompassionART masterpiece for Camp Beagle. Compassion is love combined with action.…

2nd Anniversary of the Rescue of 20 Beagles

2nd Anniversary of Animal Rising’s heroic rescue of 20 MBR Beagles – Camp Beagles’s 4th Winter…

Camp Beagle Salutes P.A.W.S. Rotherham

The Camp Beagle campaign against MBR Acres wouldn’t exist without the support and love from our…

Impex Collects Puppies from MBR Acres & Delivers to Labcorp

We are sad to report that two Impex vans arrived at MBR Acres and made the…

MBR Acres Noise Levels of the Beagles

Play the video below with the volume turned up. The Camp Beagle Team

Jasmine the Liberated Beagle from Harlan (MBR Acres)

John from Camp Beagle and Josie @josieridgeart, the artist have a very, very special connection –…

MBR Acres – You are being Questioned in Parliament

More and more MPs are asking the government to take action regarding animal testing because it’s…

MBR Acres – A Rare Glimpse Into The Sheds Captured

Sometimes the workers at MBR Acres make errors which enable Camp Beagle to expose the atrocities…

Labcorp Huntingdon – Hell on Earth

We are sorry to report that Impex have been busy this week with deliveries made to…