Impex Van Collect Puppies Thursday 6th June 2024

Today, Tuesday 18th June 2024, an Impex van entered MBR Acres at 11.07am and exited at…

Camp Beagle Talks – Science Not Silence

The Camp Beagle’s Talk series continues with our talk on ‘Science Not Silence’. Date: Sunday 23rd…

Camp Beagle – 3 Year Anniversary

Camp Beagle has been camped outside the gates of MBR Acres 24/7 since early July 2021…

Camp Beagle Salutes – Crafty Corner

Everyone at Camp Beagle is touched by Crafty Corner who made these beautiful hearts to raise…

Phil Michael – Camp Beagle Salutes You!

Everyone at Camp Beagle is impressed by Phil Michael who during the month of May performed…

MBR Acres – A Beagle Puppy Hell Hole

Imagine an industrial Puppy Farm where the only time the Puppies see the light of day…

PayPal Donations to Camp Beagle – Important Announcement

Have you been making regular or one-off PayPal donations to: ? Since at least September…

Marshall BioResources (MBR) and the Case of the Amputated Arm

Marshall BioResources has been given a penalty of $18,282 after an employee’s right hand was amputated…

Outreach the Camp Beagle Way!

Outreach plays a significant part of the Camp Beagle campaign to close MBR Acres – the…

The Camp Beagle Kittens are doing well!

A glimmer of happiness outside of MBR Acres. Instead of the horrors happening behind the gates…