Larissa The Beagle Puppy – 15 Week Pupdate

Larissa is now 15 weeks old which is hard to believe as so much as happened in her short life.

It’s true that it hasn’t been plain sailing with Larissa – yes there have been times that there have been a few ‘accidents’ toilet training wise, a few tea towels have been chewed and there have been a few times when she has bitten her brother but it’s just a puppy being a puppy isn’t it?

Her brother and sister have helped Larissa without perhaps knowing. They have taught her things that they can ‘get away with’ and things that they can’t do. 

On their daily walks they play together only punctuated with the obligatory ‘sniff’ of other dogs.  

Larissa’s counterparts are in a routine now – lights in the sheds go on at 6.00am and the noise levels increase –  workers tend to enter the shed anytime after 8.00am and the beagles know to move to a corner when they clean out the ‘mess’ created to avoid the brooms –  white coated staff are seen to be carrying clipboards and ticking boxes – on occasion a beagle is carried away never to be seen again – lights in the sheds go out at 6.00pm  – and repeat for the next day.

15 weeks Larissa is a healthy, happy and much loved puppy.

15 weeks a MBR Acres bred beagles have one more week left in the hell hole which, unbeknown to them, is their best life – God have pity on them when they leave in one weeks time.

The Camp Beagle Team