Labcorp – It’s all about Beagle Puppies and Hazmat Suits

A delivery of beagle puppies was made to Labcorp on Friday 13th September 2024 .

Obtained footage revealed that staff at Labcorp unloaded the consignment whilst wearing full protective hazmat clothing.

The delivery was made direct to Labcorp’s recently completed inhalation unit – so why the full hazmat suits?

Is it because the Beagles, which are ‘sold’ uncontaminated and a significant selling point of Marshalls indeed according to their Website are in fact contaminated?

If there was risk to human health why wasn’t the Impex driver instructed to wear protective clothing?

Why wasn’t the staff at MBR Acres instructed to wear protective clothing when loading?

Nothing about Marshall BioResoureces and Labcorp is straight  forward – this confirms it.

The Camp Beagle Team

One thought on “Labcorp – It’s all about Beagle Puppies and Hazmat Suits

  1. This is an absolute disgrace, puppies never seeing daylight, kept in horrific conditions, no comforts, now also contaminated with what,? Britain should be ashamed of themselves, we are not a nation of animal lovers, more like a nation of animal abusers, Beagles, monkeys all cruelly treated at Camp Beagle. What is our Government not stopping this, is it because of money? What they would lose.

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