Contrast the Life of a Beagle Puppy – Pupdate 10 Weeks

Larissa the beagle puppy is now 10 weeks old.

She has adapted to family life well – She is the best of friends with Luther the Dachshund – She’s got her own routine – She’s nearly toilet trained although there have been a few mishaps – She’s responding to commands although she is at the early stages of her training – She is adored by her family

Contrast Larissa with any beagle puppy who had the misfortune of being born at MBR Acres;

  • 6.00am the lights on in the bleak sheds – 6.00pm the lights go off in the bleak sheds.
  • Low grade food is dropped through a hopper normally straight on the floor at random times during the day
  • Water is dispensed through an agriculture grade nipple
  • No toys to play with – No name – No love – No attention – No enrichment

Remember Larissa and her MBR counterpart are both 10 weeks old.

Larissa has years ahead of her of love, fulfilment and attention.

For the MBR Beagle time is running out – she would have another 6 -10 weeks at MBR at best  -then it’s an IMPEX van ride to a lab followed by torture and ultimate death.

The worse that can happen to Larissa is that perhaps it’s raining and she can’t go out that day to the park.

The best the MBR beagle can hope for is once in the lab death will come quickly.

Just let that sink in.

The Camp Beagle Team