WhistleBlower Video – Camp Beagle’s Patron’s Reaction

Camp Beagle posted the whistleblower video of the beagle puppies in the Marshall BioResources facility in…

Camp Beagle Patron – Gentleman Ron

Ron 14th November 1920 – 22nd December 2022 Camp Beagle received photographs from the family of…

Camp Beagle Patrons Message to Sir Kier Starmer

Isabelle’s personal appeal to Kier Starmer to end the abuse and torture of the Beagles inside…

Camp Beagle Patron Makes Plea to End Animal Testing

Isabelle, Camp Beagle’s recently appointed Patron, has made a passionate plea to end animal testing and…

Camp Beagle Patron says “Let’s Make Some Noise for the Beagles”

During a Camp Beagle outreach to Lush at Merry Hill. West Midlands Camp Beagle’s Patron Isabelle…

Our Patron, Isabelle Keane, writes again to Sir Keir Starmer

Camp Beagle’s 9 year old, Patron, Isabelle Keane, has written to Sir Keir Starmer for a…

Camp Beagle Announces New Patron at Vegan Camp Out

Camp Beagle Announces New Patron at Vegan Camp Out – During Camp Beagle’s talk at Vegan…

Ron – Camp Beagle Celebrate their Patron

First year anniversary of the passing of Camp Beagle’s Patron – Ron Our Ron RIP 14/11/1920…

Ron – Camp Beagle’s Patron – Celebration 14th November 2023

On Tuesday 14th November Ron’s family and friends will be coming to Camp to commemorate his…