MBR Acres: Trolley full of Beagles go outside for the first time

At Camp Beagle we report on what we see during our 24/7 watch over the hell…

Impex Van Collect Puppies Thursday 6th June 2024

Today, Tuesday 18th June 2024, an Impex van entered MBR Acres at 11.07am and exited at…

Camp Beagle Talks – Science Not Silence

The Camp Beagle’s Talk series continues with our talk on ‘Science Not Silence’. Date: Sunday 23rd…

Camp Beagle – 3 Year Anniversary

Camp Beagle has been camped outside the gates of MBR Acres 24/7 since early July 2021…

Camp Beagle Salutes – Crafty Corner

Everyone at Camp Beagle is touched by Crafty Corner who made these beautiful hearts to raise…

Phil Michael – Camp Beagle Salutes You!

Everyone at Camp Beagle is impressed by Phil Michael who during the month of May performed…

MBR Acres – A Beagle Puppy Hell Hole

Imagine an industrial Puppy Farm where the only time the Puppies see the light of day…

PayPal Donations to Camp Beagle – Important Announcement

Have you been making regular or one-off PayPal donations to: sammilaidlaw@gmail.com ? Since at least September…

Marshall BioResources (MBR) and the Case of the Amputated Arm

Marshall BioResources has been given a penalty of $18,282 after an employee’s right hand was amputated…

Free The MBR Beagles Demo 8th June 2024

Camp Beagle hosted a protest against MBR Acres arranged by Free The MBR Beagles Saturday 8th…