Circle Line Walk for Camp Beagle

Camp Beagle is blessed to have some amazing supporters and without whom Camp Beagle couldn’t function…

Camp Beagle Finances – June 2024

Camp Beagle is the longest running UK animal rights protest camp outside the gates of MBR…

Camp Beagle Salutes – Crafty Corner

Everyone at Camp Beagle is touched by Crafty Corner who made these beautiful hearts to raise…

Phil Michael – Camp Beagle Salutes You!

Everyone at Camp Beagle is impressed by Phil Michael who during the month of May performed…

PayPal Donations to Camp Beagle – Important Announcement

Have you been making regular or one-off PayPal donations to: ? Since at least September…

We Value All of Camp Beagles’s Supporters

Without the support from our numerous followers getting the message out to the world about what…

Camp Beagle Finances – March 2024

Camp Beagle Finances – February 2024 Camp Beagle is the longest running UK animal rights protest…

Camp Beagle Finances – February 2024

Camp Beagle Finances – February 2024 Camp Beagle the longest running UK animal rights protest camp…

An Amazing Camp Beagle Fundraiser Completed!

Some would say the Fab 5 are somewhat crazy – some would might even say mad…

Camp Beagle Fundraising Event – Abseiling!

This Saturday, 17th February, Lois, Georgie, Erica, Liv, and Beth will be taking part in an…